4 Non-Invasive Scoliosis Treatment Options

Scoliosis, the medical term for curvature of the spine, affects millions of Americans, an estimated 2 to 3% of the population. For the most severe cases—curves that exceed 45 degrees—surgical intervention may be necessary.

But for the majority of people diagnosed with scoliosis, your doctor will advise non-invasive treatments, each clinically proven to forestall the need for surgery. Here are a few.

Seeing a Spine Doctor? How to Prepare and What Questions to Ask

Your initial appointment to see a spine doctor can feel a bit daunting at first. If you’ve never been treated for back and spine issues, you might be unsure of what to expect. On top of the back pain you’re likely experiencing, there are the additional considerations of paperwork, questionnaires and overall uncertainty about your diagnosis, treatment and prognosis.

Fortunately, a bit of advance preparation can help. Here are some tips to help you prepare for your first appointment with a spine doctor.